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Tips on How To Create YouTube Channel For Your Business

Gordon Kokoma
Written 04/20/2021
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If you do not know all the potential of YouTube, but would like to create a channel for your business, on the SME Blog we tell you how.

Exploration , creation and information : these are the three "commandments" to understand a YouTube channel. This is not just a simple video collector, but a tool that can make a real difference for your business. Just think of the millions of daily views and the consideration that the platform has earned over time. YouTube is the most viewed site, immediately after the Google search engine, and was able to anticipate a prerogative that many social networks have only understood later: the importance of video content .

A company, organization or any type of business needs a YouTube channel but creating it is not at all easy. Especially if it is done with the aim of improving visibility and expanding your business.

        Why create a Youtube channel

        How to create a Youtube channel

        Add an image

        Channel graphics

        Information section

        Optimize with keywords

        Social account

        Google Ads


Why create a Youtube channel

Despite the many years of presence on the web, there are still many people who ask Google " how to create a Youtube channel ". A right and necessary question, for those who want to exploit such a valid and professional medium. YouTube - after all - is not just videos but also graphics, SEO , analysis, trends and interaction, aspects that are often underestimated when creating a new channel and which instead represent an advantage if you look in perspective.

YouTube is relevant in all sectors but, to convince you to open your own channel, you just need to indicate a number: 5 billion . It is the daily amount of videos watched on the platform, an invaluable potential for anyone who wants to enter this world. Natural amplifier of brands for companies and individuals, it is therefore the ideal platform for creating, publishing and disseminating videos (also because it allows them to be incorporated throughout the web).

So how do you go about creating a YouTube channel from scratch? Our step-by-step guide will teach you everything you need to know about the platform. But let's start with a fundamental footnote to get started. To use Youtube you need to have a Google account . Once set up, you are ready to launch your channel.

How to create a Youtube channel

After entering the credentials to enter YouTube, at the top right of the screen you will find your icon and by clicking on "Settings " you can finally see the link to create a new channel. The first step is to choose the name , which does not necessarily have to be the same as the Google account. Obviously if it is an activity there must still be a connection between the company and the general theme of the YouTube channel.

Then you enter the dashboard and you can give space to personalization with creativity, so that the channel is able to emerge from the fierce competition. There is a link on the YouTube dashboard that allows you to begin the process of making the channel truly yours . Here are the steps to follow:

        Add an image

        Channel graphics

        Information section


        Social account

        Google Ads


Add an image

Like all social platforms and messaging apps, even on YouTube an image, logo or brand is required that can make the channel recognizable but above all graphically express what the channel is about and what it does. To add the element, just click on the channel icon to load the image / photo you want.

Channel graphics

When designing a YouTube channel for an activity, the graphic part is fundamental . The logo is not enough: you also need a cover image that can raise the quality of what you are about to propose. All potential viewers are drawn to the images, to something visual that can really make a difference. With the right graphics you add more depth and dimension to the overall atmosphere of the channel itself.

Also for this aspect there is a dedicated section with the possibility to crop and modify your own image and make it fall within the parameters required by YouTube. Only by respecting all the suggestions provided will you be able to give a professional tone to your business channel.

Information section

The information section is very important for the success of your YouTube channel. All users are curious, they look for details, they want to know more about the channel and the activity you carry out. Each video can grab the attention especially of those people who are unfamiliar with the channel and your company.

After seeing an interesting video, think about all this potential and fill in the information section, adding a bio and a description of your channel (and possibly also the link to social media). Nothing complex: just a simple description , direct and able to highlight fundamental characteristics, keywords and a reference email address.

Optimize with keywords

Let's move on to the SEO aspect of YouTube. Having a channel for your business is not just about building videos but also making sure that users find those videos or that channel. What to do then? Include relevant keywords in the information that are able to create a sort of link to common search terms for the relevant sector. This way you will promote. To enter keywords you will need to consult the advanced settings in the dashboard and enter some basic information in addition to the keywords.

Keyword optimization doesn't just stop at the channel - it affects all the videos you need to upload to your channel. What to do to identify relevant keywords for each individual video? There are some methods that could make the job easier:


        Keywords tool


Research . One of the simplest methods is to carry out numerous searches to understand if a particular topic has been treated, how it has been treated and if it has satisfied users' requests. Obviously this type of process takes time and analysis to understand what people are really looking for and how to adapt the searches to create a comprehensive video.

Keyword tool . To grow the channel organically, there is also the option of using Google Ads . Through this tool you can access a keyword tool that allows you to identify the most used keywords for a specific sector.

Tips . The suggestions function should not be underestimated, a quick and often effective way to understand how to build your own video, what title and what description to insert. Just type something relevant to the topic into the YouTube search bar. this will display all the suggestions provided during the autocomplete. These are all the possible keywords you could use to create content.

Social account

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, a detail that many forget. This is why it is important to include links to all social media in your channel . Creating a YouTube channel for your business also allows you to let users know something more, increasing the rate of social engagement and gives them the opportunity to follow what you do on other platforms. A global growth not to be missed.

Google Ads

Obviously YouTube also allows sponsorships . Each video can be monetized thanks to the Google Ads platform , the same one used to insert advertising banners on your site. In the advanced settings section, you can link a Google Ads account and include an analytics tracking ID . In this way, in addition to publishing ads on YouTube (a possibility that happens only if certain parameters are reached), you can get a detailed analysis of the videos starting with how many people choose to view, how, when and if they are satisfied with what they see. This is fundamental data to understand if you are doing a good job for the YouTube channel of your business and if there is a need to change some aspects and improve at certain points.


The conclusion is obviously dedicated to the contents. Paradoxically, this is the main point, the one that should already be present in the mind of those who have chosen to create a YouTube channel for their business. The content to upload depends mainly on the purpose of the channel and how you want to talk to your followers. It takes an idea behind the whole channel to get users to become viewers and then hopefully potential customers. To do this, however, we need study, constancy, attention and continuity. Loading some videos without a minimum of logical and temporal criteria will not bring any results. On the other hand, building a valid, interesting and thoughtful project can totally change the face of your business.


Creating a Youtube channel for a business is not just about uploading videos. It takes time to familiarize yourself with all the opportunities offered by this platform, understand the mechanisms of this world and then develop a project that allows you to increase your presence on YouTube and the number of followers . These are the first fundamental steps to start creating a channel without forgetting three fundamental elements that you will not find in any guide: passion, fun and inventiveness.




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